Psychodynamic Psychotherapist and Counsellor in Canterbury, Kent

Support with your mental health

I am constantly in the process of collating websites and apps that may be able to support you or someone you love improve their mental health. These resources will be updated as often as I can make the time to.

Mindfulness Coach (free app) – I use this app myself to help with my mindfulness training. This app is clinically proven to reduce symptoms of PTSD, and anyone can use it at their own pace. It’s not fancy, and it’s a nice balance of reading vs practising.

Samaritans – in addition to the freephone service this organisation runs, their website also contains resources that may be helpful in supporting a loved one with their mental health.

Recommended reading

In this section, I will share books I have found interesting, insightful and helpful for understanding various issues surrounding mental health and wellbeing.

Leaving Home: The Art of Separating from Your Difficult Family by David P Celani – this book deals with family, the impact they have on our development, and how to manage estrangement, written by someone who has been through it himself.

Love’s Executioner and Other Tales of Psychotherapy by Dr Irvin Yalom – this book has everything for everyone. From stories of clients with love obsessions to obesity to loneliness, Dr Irvin Yalom, an existential therapist who studied under Rollo May, is a mastermind at what he does and how he communicates with his clients. I would give the warning that he is brutally honest in his narrative.